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Copyright © Teknoloji Kalemim | Teknoloji Portalı | Türkçeleştirme http://teknolojikalemim.blogspot.com/

8 Ekim 2010 Cuma


There are a lot off reason for visiting in Turkey ; Turkey is a country located at a point where the 3 continents of the old world (Asia, Africa and Europe) are closest to each other and where Asia and Europe meet. Because of its geographical location, Anatolia has always been important throughout history and is the birthplace of many great civilizations. Surrounded by seas on three sides, it is covered by mountains, forests, steppes and all sorts of land varitations.Thegenuine friendliness and traditional hospitality of the Turkish people towards visitors is justly renowned world wide.
Our country includes the famous holiday cities,beautiful resorts, museums, comfortable hotels and motels, sincere people, magnificent landscapes and etc.. There are many fantastic regions in Turkey
The Hittits, Hellens, Romans, Byzantines, Seljuks and the Ottomans as well as a great number of other civilisations rose and fell here through thousands of years, leaving behind a multitude of historical and archeological sites. It is in fact called the cradle of civilisations, harbouring in its bosom an incredible blend of cultures, history, archaeological sites. To seethis geografhicalsituation and for living this athmoshpere you must be visit in Turkey.

When you come in Turkey you will enjoy..
In Turkey, as a country teeming with heritages of Mouslim,Christian and Jewish religions,much more than any other place in the world,we have started to organize tours of faith as atravelling agency specialized extensively in this particular field of tourism when the second millenium is two years ahead of us. Each year thousands of people discover that Turkey is the home of legends and history taught in classrooms the world over.Visit the legendary Troy of Homer's ' Iliad', exotic Constantinople, capital of the Eastern Roman Empire.Travel to the reputed landing place of Noah's Ark or Garden of Eden.Or the place where Mark Antony and Cleopatra met and married, Saint Clause lived, Home of Virgin Mary, Seven Churches mentioned in the testament are located. Travel along the Old Silk Road of Marco Polo,Sail the in comparable turquoise waters of the Mediterranean and sample food fit for a sultan.And do it all in style and comfort. Modern,sophisticated resorts and casinos are plentiful. These things are here to be shared in a way that only the Turkish people can.The people of Turkey are as varied as their landscape,from black hair to red.from brown eyes to blue;all combine to make Turkey unique.The one thing that is uniform throughoutthis fascinating country is the hospitality of its people. We hereby assure you that as devouted visitors of any of the aforesaid religions,you will be guided to so many sites of faith abounding within the borders of Turkey at a scale unparalled in any other parts of the world.During such cultivating and exiting tours,you will enjoy the opportunity of visiting following sites,each of which manifests unique features of heritages of different faiths;
Ankara - Modern capital of Turkish Republic as declared by Ataturk in 1923.Dates back to the Hittites,4000-3000 B.C.
Antalya - A seaport founded by Attalus,King of Pergamum,in 160 B.C.Now a lovely resort city,South Aegean Coast.
Aphrodisias - Named for the Goddness of Love, Aphrodite,in the 6TH century B.C.Also the site of one of the three sculpture schools in the ancient world.South Aegean Coast.
Aspendos - Roman city of the second century B.C.Site of the best-preserved theater in Asia Minor.
Cappodocia - An area of bizarre volcanic land formations.Although never formally a nation,was regocnized as a kingdom in 600 B.C. Became a Roman province in 17 A.D.Also recognized as a refuge for the early Christians.
Demre - Ancient Myra.Site of St.Nicholas Church.St.Nicholas lived here and was ordained Bishop in the 4th century A.D.South Coast.
Ephesus - By the 11th century B.C.Ephesuswas already a thriving seaport.Second-largest city of the ancient world,with a population of approximately 300.000.
Hiearapolis - Site of an early therapeutic center with Roman baths.Reached the height of its prosperity in the second / third centuries B.C.
Istanbul -The only city to bridge two continents,Europe and Asia.Istanbul , or Constantinople, as it was called in the past,is approximately 2600 years old Muslim capital.
Izmir - Ancient Smyrna, a vital trading port dating back approximately to the tenth century B.C. Homer was born here.Alexander the Great a citadel here.
Konya - Home of the whirling Dervishes, a mystical sect founded by the poet Calaleddin Rumi,Mevlana.This area has a history dating to the times of the Hittites.
Kusadasi - Resort town close to ancient Romans.Amazing cascades of shallow pools formed by limestone-laden thermal springs.Called the "Cotton Castle."
Pamukkale - Discovered by the ancient Romans.Amazing cascades of shallow pools formed by limestone-laden thermal springs.Called the ' Cotton Castle'.
Perge - Pre-Hellenic city dating to 333 B.C.Site of St.Paul's first sermon.
Phaselis - Founded in the 7th century B.C. by settlers from the Island of Rhodes.Trading port and ancient pirate haunt situated on three natural harbors.
Trabzon - Founded in the eighth century B.C.Later became the furthest outpost of the Greek Empire.Major trading city in the Byzatine era.It is on black Sea Coast...

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